According to Dr. Bruce Liptons research and teachings, less than 1% of diseases can be attributed to genetic factors, while over 90% of health issues are directly linked to the impact of stress. It is important to understand that when you are in a state of stress, you are not in harmony with your environment.
Your cells possess the incredible ability to adapt and adjust their biology in response to the signals they receive from the environment. This means that the way you perceive and interact with your surroundings can profoundly influence your health.
Positive thoughts and beliefs have the potential to promote healing in your body, regardless of your genetic predispositions. On the flip side, negative thought patterns, as mediated by epigenetics, can rewrite your genes and potentially lead to conditions like cancer.
It's crucial to address and replace subconscious beliefs that limit you and do not support your true self. But how did these limiting programs take root in the first place, you may wonder? These beliefs often originate during early childhood, typically between the ages of 0 to 7 years. During this developmental stage, your brain operates in a Theta state, akin to a state of hypnosis. You acquire behavioral patterns by observing and absorbing the behaviors and beliefs of your family, siblings, and the community you are surrounded by.
However, you have the power to reprogram this subjective state of hypnosis. By shifting your brainwaves from Alpha to Theta, you can effectively rewire these deeply ingrained beliefs. One effective method is to engage in inspirational activities or listen to content that resonates with your true aspirations before going to sleep. This is when your mind is naturally in a receptive Theta state.
There are also other ways to activate and influence your subconscious states of being. For instance, repeating positive affirmations in the morning or before bedtime can be a beneficial practice.
It's essential to remember that you are the master of your biology and its responses. You are not a victim of your genes. You are a manifestation of energy in the form of spirit, and your consciousness plays a significant role in shaping your physical health and well-being.
